Apr 26, 2022
Today I'm sharing my signature 4 step framework for visibility and business growth. Listen, without sales you don't have a business.
How do you get sales? By being visible and sharing your offers.
Here's the 4 step growth & visibility framework for building your business:
BCEO Framework
Here's the thing, you'll...
Apr 19, 2022
I run 3 companies and on average I work 15 hours a week. Crazyyyyy!
I want to be clear and say that I'm just now getting to this point!
I was working "around the clock" in my business prior to 2019. I would probably work upwards of 40 hours in my businesses before my kids were born (while still working my day jobs)...
Apr 12, 2022
I was recently asked this question during CEO Office Hours and I had a lot of thoughts around the question "should I offer a payment plan?"
I love offering payment plans but I also have had enough experience to know the pros and the cons around offering them. I hope this prepares you just a little bit as you offer your...
Apr 5, 2022
Welp... cats out the bag. I've had my second child. I'm currently pregnant as of this recording but once it's live I should've had my sweet little one. So I'ma mom of two shawty!
When I had King I only took 2 weeks off and got right back to work. I found the newborn phase with him super boring so it was easy for me to...