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Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

Feb 23, 2021

Sis - You can't continue to free your business to success. At some point you have to get serious and start paying for things to help you grow your business.

Fear of failure is crippling you. Instead of wondering if "what if this investment doesn't work," do your research and INVEST IN YOUR BUSINESS.

How can you...

Feb 18, 2021

Here's day 3 of the Sold Out Offers Mini Series.

Today I share 5 mistakes keeping you from selling out your offers on social media (and how you can overcome them).

Join Serve + Sell on Social (this is the LAST week)

Feb 16, 2021

Boo thang, your business doesn’t have a strategy and it shows 🥴

Stop doing all these tactics without knowing what the long term, big picture is for your business.

Quick wins are cute but when you’re trying to grow and build a sustainable business following what some random person said on clubhouse isn’t the...

Feb 12, 2021

Join Serve + Sell on Social -

Sis, I know it sucks to get stuck in the virtual biz bestie friend zone from potential clients! Yikes!

Here are two mistakes (and how you can overcome them) that are putting you in the friend zone and keeping clients from signing with you!

This is why I created...

Feb 9, 2021

Today's episode is about how to double your income by RESTING and being INTENTIONAL with your business! Prioritization is key. When you are in a season of rest you can be profitable, just as you would be during a season of hustle. We shouldn't always be in hustle mode. It's ok to operate your business from a place of...