Mar 29, 2022
Every successful person you know attributes their success to
"being consistent." But no one ever talks about how to overcome
being inconsistent. If you're a normal human you have probably
struggled with being consistent in your business.
Today we are are going to tackle WHY you're struggling to be
consistent in your...
Mar 22, 2022
I love social media but with all the crashes, the ever changing
algorithm, and just being plain busy and not wanting to create
content all the time - I truly believe it's important to have a
marketing strategy that does NOT rely on social media.
And that's exactly what we are talking about in this episode! We
Mar 15, 2022
Today we are talking about 7 things no one tells you about starting a business. I'm sharing this in hopes that you are a bit more prepared or so that you can not feel so alone on this journey. It can be tough when you think you're the only one having certain feelings about your business and that's why I'm having...
Mar 8, 2022
Did you know there are different buyer types and that your content and sales style needs to speak to them? I love sales psychology and here I'm going to share the four different types of buyers and how to sell to them.
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Mar 1, 2022
There will be times in your business where you will need to retire an offer or even close your business so you can pivot into something better.
Let's chat about pivoting in business to align with your life.
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